class documentation

class InterestedTests(APITestCase, TestCase):

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This is Interested test class.

Class Method setUpTestData This is setUp class method to populate the database
Method test_create_interested Ensure we can create a new interested object.
Method test_delete_interested Ensure we can delete a new interested object.
Method test_show_interested Ensure we can fetch a new interested object.
Method test_update_interested Ensure we can update a interested object.
def setUpTestData(cls):

This is setUp class method to populate the database

def test_create_interested(self):

Ensure we can create a new interested object.

def test_delete_interested(self):

Ensure we can delete a new interested object.

def test_show_interested(self):

Ensure we can fetch a new interested object.

def test_update_interested(self):

Ensure we can update a interested object.