class documentation

class User(models.Model):

View In Hierarchy

This is User database structure.

Method __str__ This is used for login using email.
Class Variable contact_email Contact email of User
Class Variable contact_number Contact number of User
Class Variable dob Date of Birth of User
Class Variable flat_id Flat ID of User
Class Variable gender Gender of User
Class Variable id Autogenerated Primary ID of User
Class Variable password Password of User
Class Variable pref_drinking Drinking preference of User
Class Variable pref_smoking Smoking preference of User
Class Variable pref_veg Vegetarian preference of User
Class Variable user_type Type of User
def __str__(self):

This is used for login using email.

contact_email =

Contact email of User

contact_number =

Contact number of User

dob =

Date of Birth of User

flat_id =

Flat ID of User

gender =

Gender of User

id =

Autogenerated Primary ID of User

password =

Password of User

pref_drinking =

Drinking preference of User

pref_smoking =

Smoking preference of User

pref_veg =

Vegetarian preference of User

user_type =

Type of User